About Embassy

The Embassy Network is a trusted organisation with more than 20 years’ experience serving the diplomatic community in the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. Embassy is designed for the modern diplomat – an online resource responsive to their demands for accurate information, networking opportunities and a place to share best practice.

Our monthly newsletter Embassy News provides a specialised news digest of diplomatic activity in London, covering all diplomatic disciplines. Maintaining a close relationship to our members and London’s diplomatic associations, we act as the central ‘clearing house’ of essential information for all London’s missions. We are also interactive, providing a forum for debate and discussion on important issues of the day.

Despite the advent of social networks and the digitalisation of diplomacy, the Embassy Network understands that professional, face-to-face networking remains vital for making contacts and gathering intelligence. For this reason, the Embassy Network hosts a series of bespoke and practical Embassy Events exclusive to the diplomatic community, covering in all specialist areas, from consular work, to economics, politics, education, culture, management and protocol.

Embassy Events are designed to bring diplomats, embassy workers and experts together to discuss issues that affect all diplomatic practitioners. Our events provide the ideal networking setting for diplomats, experts and service providers to meet face-to-face for a frank exchange of views. Our events have an excellent reputation and are always well attended.

Our online format also means we can stay in touch with our members, no matter where in the world they are. And when diplomats are posted to another capital, the Embassy Network is a great way to stay in touch with the friends and contacts they have made in London.

Our aim is simple: to help diplomats in London make the most of their posting and to create a global network of contacts to help them no matter where in the world they are posted next.

To meet the Embassy team, please click here. We are continually striving to improve our service and welcome any comments and suggestions.

Yours sincerely,

Elizabeth Stewart