Combined | Attache’s Ball

Having a ball
London’s military attaches walked the red carpet before dining in a blue-tinted ballroom at this year’s magnificent Combined Attache’s Ball. It was the Naval Attaché Association’s turn to oversee festivities and the organising committee made up of R Adm Gianluigi Reversi (Italy), Capt Mark Rudesill (US), Cdre Raja Rab Nawaz (Pakistan) Lt Col Rob Arts (Netherlands), Patrick Neilly (UK) Brig Evan Williams (New Zealand) Col Giampaolo Schiavo (Italy), Lt Col Saša Nesic (Serbia), Cdre Anil Sabharwal (India), Capt Wolter Sillevis Smitt (Netherlands) and Brig Gen Lowell Thomas (Canada) did not disappoint. Guest of Honour Vice Admiral Jonathan Woodcock welcomed guests before the Royal Marines Band made sure the dance floor was jumping. The evening concluded with a raffle draw with prizes including a BMW track day at Goodwood; a Landrover driving experience and a gift hamper from Chacalli de Decker.