Embassy Protocol Club Membership Form

Embassy Protocol Club Membership Form
Enter Email
Confirm Email

Embassy Protocol Membership Fee

(complimentary listings for all adverts placed)

Payment & Invoice Details

(please note if a PO is required we need to have the number before confirming your registration)
Enter Email
Confirm Email
Invoice Address *
Invoice Address
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Post Code

Substitutions and cancellations

Only one person from your organisation may attend the meetings. You may send someone on your behalf from your organisation, if you are not be able to attend a meeting. Embassy Events reserve the right to alter the programme without notice due to unforeseen circumstances. We also reserve the right in our absolute discretion and without further liability to cancel the meeting and reschedule for another date. Meeting attendance cannot be carried over your membership term unless Embassy Events have to reschedule a meeting. The Embassy Group and other members of the Character Publishing Group, safeguard your data and will not share your details with unauthorised third parties. To view our Privacy Policy please click here