Jordan | Independence Day

Ambassador al-Homoud delivers his speech


Ambassador al-Homoud and Moroccan Ambassador HH Princess Lalla Joumala Alaoui

Lithuanian Ambassador Asta Skaisgirytė Liauškienė with the Ambassador of Portugal Joao de Vallera

Ambassador al-Homoud and Algerian Ambassador Amar Abba

Ambassador al-Homoud greets Sir Jeremy Greenstock

Ambassador al-Homoud and departing Mexican Ambassador Diego Gómez-Pickering

Ambassador al-Homoud and Nigel Evans MP

Embassy magazine editor Elizabeth Stewart, Francesca Flessati (FCO ) and Julian Evans, Director of FCO Protocol

Ambassador al-Homoud and his wife Alia greet the Ambassador of Panama Daniel Eduardo Fábrega

Cyprus High Commissioner Euripides Evriviades and Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee Crispin Blunt MP

Ambassador al-Homoud hands Foreign Secretary Hammond a thank you gift

During the ceremony, special awards were handed out to Haifa Fahoum Al Kaylani, Founder Chairman of The Arab International Women’s Forum, Councillor Karimeh Hamarneh Foster, 1stmLieutenant in the Jordanian Arab Army and Mrs Bewley, on behalf of Dr Robert Bewley, the Director of Endangered Archaeology in the Middle East and North Africa

Foreign Secretary Hammond addresses guests