Latvia | National Day

Ambassador Braze toasting Latvian liberty

Slovak Ambassador Dr L’ubomír Rehák and Ambassador Braze

Austrian Ambassador Martin Eichtinger with Ambassador Braze

The Ambassador of Indonesia Dr Rizal Sukma with Ambassador Braze

Heads of Mission from Oman, Chile, Finland join Ambassador Braze and Mark Prisk MP

Trade Envoy for the Baltics Mark Prisk MP toasting Latvian liberty

A warm neighbourly welcome to the Ambassador of Lithuania Mrs Asta Skaisgirytė Liauškienė

Defence Attaché Klavins, Ms Solveiga Silkalna, Ambassador Braze and her husband Mr Tjaco Van der Hout

Ambassador Braze with the new Swedish Ambassador Mr Torbjörn Sohlström

Danish Ambassador Claus Grube and Ambassador Braze

Ambassador Braze with Polish Ambassador Prof Arkady Rzegocki

Big hugs for Baltic neigbour the Estonian Ambassador Mr Lauri Bambus

Ambassador Braze with German Ambassador Dr Peter Ammon

Latvian liberty
Latvian Ambassador Baiba Braze was joined by parliamentarians, diplomats and friends to celebrate Latvia’s 98th Anniversary of Statehood – her first national day in London.
Wearing folk dress and a garland, the Ambassador addressed guests, reminding them of the support and sacrifice the Royal Navy offered to the 4000-year-old nation in its fight for statehood at the end of WWI.
“We hope that will not be necessary again,” she said, toasting “partnership, freedom and for our joint future.”
Mark Prisk MP, special envoy for the Baltics, said Latvia had emerged from the shackles of the Soviet Union with “an open and free society which we admire and applaud.”
Guests joined in the toast, with a shot of heady Riga Black Balsam (which doubles as a cold remedy, perfect for the cold weather!)