Montenegro | Independence Day

Ambassador Banović proposes a toast

Latvian Ambassador Andris Teikmanis with Ambassador Banović

Elizabeth Stewart joins female diplomats from the former Yugoslavia.

Ambassadors enjoy a shot of rakia

The Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina Branko Neskovic and his wife Magdalena Neskovic with Ambassador Banović and his wife Vesna

Celebrations were fueled by fine Montenegrin tipple

The Ambassadors of Kuwait, Slovenia and Austria share joke with the Marshal of the Diplomatic Corps Alistair Harrison, Embassy editor Elizabeth Stewart and Baharak Moradi (IMO)

Macedonia Ambassador Jovan Donev congratulates Ambassador Banović

Ambassador of Kuwait and Dean of the Diplomatic Corps Khaled Al Duwaisan with Ambassador Banović

Croatian Ambassador Ivan Grdešić, Embassy magazine editor Elizabeth Stewart and Austrian Ambassador Martin Eichtinger

Ambassador Banović welcomes Croatian Ambassador Ivan Grdešić

A spirited celebration
Ambassadors and friends of Montenegro raised a glass of local rakia at Europe House as they celebrated just how far the country has come in the 10 years since its independence.
“Ten years is not a long time but Montenegro can be very proud what it’s achieved,” new Ambassador to London, Borislav Banović, told guests. “There has been economic growth and huge projects in the tourism and energy sectors will soon change the outlook of Montenegro. Our beautiful country is becoming more and more renowned.”
It was entirely apt that the celebrations were held at Europe House, with ambassador Banović applauding his “European friends” for helping Montenegro grow as a nation. “Thank you for your assistance over the last 10 years,” he said. “One day hopefully our flag with hang among others at the EU.”