Protocol Club | Christmas Quiz

Embassy editor and quiz master Elizabeth Stewart poses a question

Carla Joao Pinto (Angola) of the Snowmen poised to jingle

Alicia Gilardino (Argentina) answers a question for the Angels…

Maria Bryant (Brazil), Martha Philippou (Cyprus), Embassy Editor Elizabeth Stewart, Eli Pothitou (Greece), Agnes Sinott (Belgium) and Sirma McKellar (Turkey)

Sandrine Locatelli (Monaco) of the Elves rings her bells

Hind Aisha (Yemen) has a go for the Stars

Vesna Tkalec (Croatia) gets a point for the Reindeers

Fetmire Sefaj (Kosovo) wins a prize from Charles Flynn (Athenaeum)

Meric Sidali (Turkey) gets an early Christmas
gift from Luis Valente (Corinthia)

Lucky winner Viviana Espinosa (Chile) and Martina Berducci (Firmdale Hotels)

Zita Wilks (Gabon) gets a present from Luca Marcelli (GLH Hotels)