Sri Lanka | Independence Day

High Commissioner Wijewardene raises a glass the The Queen and the people of Britain and Sri Lankan Independence and relations with Britain

High Commissioner Wijewardene welcomes the High Commissioner for Bangladesh Mr Md Nazmul Quaunine

High Commissioner Wijewardene greets the High Commissioner for Mauritius Mr Girish Nunkoo

The High Commissioner for the Bahamas Mr Eldred E Bethel congratulates High Commissioner Wijewardene

High Commissioner Wijewardene welcomes the High Commissioner for Zambia Mr Muyeba Chikonde

High Commissioner Wijewardene with the Commonwealth Secretary General Baroness Scotland

High Commissioner Wijewardene greets the High Commissioner for Papua New Guinea Mrs Winnie Kiap

The Ambassador of Sudan Mr Sabit Abbe Alley congratulates High Commissioner Wijewardene

High Commissioner Wijewardene with the Ambassador of the Dominican Republic Mr Federico Alberto Cuello Camilo and Mrs Natalia Maria Federighi de Cuello

The Marshal of the Diplomatic Corps Mr Alistair Harrison and Annette Prandzioch (Royal Commonwealth Society)

The Head of the South Asia Department at the FCO Laura Clarke

Dancers perform the ceremonial Ves Dance