Zambia | Independence Day

African and Commonwealth heads of mission join High Commissioner Chiponde and Mrs Chiponde for an Independence Day family photo

High Commissioner Chikonde and outgoing FCO Director of Protocol Mr Julian Evans toast Zambia-British relations

High Commissioner Chiponde in conversation with the Deputy Secretary General of the Commonwealth Dr Josephine Ojiambo (who is a Zambian)

High Commissioner Mr Muyeba Chikonde, his wife Fravia and senior staff members of the High Commission

The Ambassador of the DRC Mrs Marie Ndjeka Opombo, the Ambassador of Algeria Mr Amar Abba, the Ambassador of Kuwait and Dean of the Diplomatic Corps Mr Khaled Al Duwaisan and High Commissioner and Mrs Chiponde

The High Commissioner for Cote d’Ivoire Mr George Aboua and his wife Christiane with High Commissioner and Mrs Chiponde

High Commissioner Chiponde with the High Commissioner for Singapore Mrs Chi Hsia Foo

The Ambassador of Guatemala congratulates High Commissioner Chiponde